Sunday Social

Its time for the weekly Sunday linkup girls! This week is all book related, which I love.
Sunday Social
1. Favorite childhood book
I loved Goodnight Moon and Where The Wild Things Are, and my mom read them to me nearly every night. I liked Goodnight Moon because it was my routine bedtime book. Where the Wild Things Are is a classic, what child does not want to hop on the table and scream at their mama when they are hungry? I certainly wanted to.
2. Favorite book lately
I most recently read Divergent by Veronica Roth. It is another one of those "dystopian"books that divides society into five factions classified by their virtue. 
3. Book you wish you could live in
When my dad would read Harry Potter to me I would always picture myself being friends with Hermione. We would race around the castle casting spells and learning all we could about the magical wizarding world. How much fun would it be to experience the food, the broomsticks and of course getting your own wand. Plus, now that Voldemort is taken care of I could go crazy without a worry in the world!
4. If you could be any character from a book who would it be and why?
Eloise. I am 19 years old and un-apalogetically in love with her. Ask my sweet old roommate Kenzie and she will tell you about the time I made us watch it around the holidays. If I could go to the Plaza tomorrow I would spend the whole time in the Eloise sweet and buy all of the memorabilia to match. I hope I can share her with my future girls one day.
5. Favorite book turned movie
Either Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. I grew up with Harry Potter, so the magic was truly part of my world. I remember every time a new book would come out my mom would pre-order it, pick it up first thing in the morning, spend the day reading it and then pass it on to me. After I was finished it got passed on to my brother and lastly my dad. I was pretty young during the first few books so my dad read them to me, always pronouncing Hermione's name in some odd way that would make me laugh.
The Hunger Games is a more recent love and to be honest I love the whole after the end of the world concept in books. They are all pretty similar, however, Harry Potter will always take the cake.
6. Favorite magazines
Glamour and Lucky. I really want to get into the running and fitness magazines too though and of course I love Southern Living for inspiration.
Also, who does not love a whole magazine filled with the Kennedy family?