I Am So Thankful!

It is currently 8:00 PM on Thursday October 4th and I am sitting here in my bed trying to figure out what Friday's blog post will be about. This week I have shared my personal story of how Breast Cancer has affected my family, a DIY, some random plans and goals for the month. What is left to talk about?
Maybe it is time for me to be thankful.
This week I am thankful for so many things. I am thankful for my health, to have a (semi) working foot again and to live in a place where I have access to the care I need.
I am also thankful for princess bandaids and all their help in breaking in Sperrys.
I am thankful for sweet friends who reach out just when you need them to. I recently learned that my sweet roommate, turned best friend, from last year reads my blog daily and more than anything that means the world to me. Also, lets talk about how gorgeous she is. I am thankful for that too, hah!
I am thankful for the gorgeous Vera Bradley luggage that I purchased today and the amazing sale that went along with that. Two items for $67 and a Breast Cancer donation? I am beyond in!
I am thankful for my grandparents and all that they have done for me over the years, from spoiling me rotten to letting me live with them when I needed to escape my own house for a while.
I am thankful that my sweet puppy has gone a month and a half without having a seizure. 
(Please laugh at this picture of his cuteness, it is one of the best things ever)
I am thankful that I got to work with some amazing kids this summer and make some pretty great crowns.
I am thankful that I have this time to bake and craft and do all sorts of girly things.
I am thankful to have this blog to share my thoughts and experiences in a way that I might not be able to in person.
I am so thankful for those of you who read my blog and each and every one of you seems to be one of these people. Beautiful just "in what they are."
So, today, I am thankful for all of you. For making my day brighter, for reassuring me that my obsession with pink, glitter and putting my own monogram on everything possible isn't totally crazy. 
Thank You.