The Journey To Nursing School: Switching Schools

If you have been following my blogging journey for a while than you probably know that I stink at posting regularly. I get easily caught up and overly involved in my emotions and my sweet blog is the last thing on my mind.
If you haven't been lucky enough to deal with my antics than congratulations! And here is a recap of the journey so far:
I {broke my foot} the first week of my second year of college, hobbled home for three months to heal, decided to go visit with my Grammy in {Florida}, got a job {working retail} and slowly started {running post-injury}. Oh, and then I came home to the pacific northwet on Christmas Eve to surprise my family. And as far as my life story goes, that is where I left you all hanging.
Following my semester break in Florida I had 100% planned to go back to my big university. I had hoped to share an apartment with one of the girlfriends I had made my freshman year and was excited to decorate and finally start feeling like an adult. I knew my family's money situation was tight but I was determined to make it work. As my time in Florida began to wrap up, my plans began to unravel. My prospective roommate did not want to move out of the dorms and our money situation seemed more desperate than I had previously believed. Not to mention the fact that my best friend, and roommate, from my freshman year was not planning on going back in the spring.
It suddenly felt like too big of a burden for something so uncertain.
And so I wiped my tears, put on some lipstick and pulled myself together.
I applied to the itsy bitsy local college and decided I would do my last year nursing prerequisites there. I would save a lot of money and hopefully lighten the monetary burden on my parents. I began to adjust to the idea of quarters and the horror of having an anatomy and physiology test every week and reminded myself that things would look up eventually. A lot of days I feel burnt out or overwhelmed. There is this tricky, backwards phenomenon that happens when all you do is go to class and watch netflix. In theory you think that because you have all this new found time to yourself you will be a homework smashing, test acing, perfect student machine.
Not true.
Instead, it is because you have so much free time on your hands and all you do is school that you avoid it at every possible lengths. I have left math portfolios until hours before they are due, half watched half ignored online math tutors and generally zoned out a lot of the time. The only relief I get is social contact and the occasional trip to visit my freshman roommate with some diet coke and trips to the craft store.
So how do you make a college switch work pre-nursing school, or any degree for that matter?
1. When things get really slow or practically unbearable this is what I do. Its hard not to feel like a bit of a failure after going off to university for a year and then having to move back in with your parents and go to a community college. You have to fill your head with positives and remember that as long as you make it, the situation only has to be temporary.
2. Getting a job is one of the most rewarding things a college student can do. You suddenly feel like you have some mobility, and even somewhere you belong. Also, watching your hard work turn into cash isn't bad either. Whether its retail or becoming a family's nanny, pick something you enjoy as it will likely turn into your second home.
3. Call me maybe? The first time I got to see my friends post moving back home decision I could have cried. Those friends that really know you don't need an explanation, most of the time they are just happy to see you. Lean on them, spend time with them and let them know how much you care. Sometimes a quick chat with my friends is all I need to turn my day around.
4. Before I broach this subject, I have to say this is something I am terrible at. At my big university I was in the nursing club, but even that was short lived when I discovered that we did squat diddly during the meetings. I recently got an email asking me to join my new school's honors club for high grades and mistakenly turned it down. In my mind I thought it would be a bunch of nerds all gathered together for what? I should have given it a chance. After all, you may not like everyone but even if you find one or two solid people that's two more friends to call on who are in the same boat as you.
5. Study, study, study. Make grade goals, study goals and other goals. Look up schools you want to transfer to and take inventory.
What sort of GPA do you need to have to be a competitive applicant? 
Should you be doing things outside of school to pad your application? 
Who will you ask for stellar references?
With these goals in mind you will find determination when you really need it. Remind yourself why you want to do what you want to do, and push through. Soon enough, you will be getting an acceptance letter from the school of your dreams and your achievements will allow for a solid scholarship as well.
Don't forget to dream. This doesn't define your life, it shouldn't stop you from doing anything.